Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Singing We Are Yours

If I had to come up with one sentence describing my growth since I got saved it would be this:

Constant reminders that I am not my own; that I belong to the King, who died to save me.

There have been a hundred lessons learned, a million miles traveled, since that day. In the end it all comes back to this fact, though. That I am called His. I was bought at a price, I am no longer a slave to my flesh or this world, but that I am seen in His love and by the cross alone. Finding my identity in Jesus is something that my heart has to come back to daily.

How many times does the Bible describe this? Too many to count. Everytime it describes us as believers it is proclaiming an identity that only comes through Christ. Understanding that we belong to Him is the only way to the freedom. Jesus is "the way, the truth, and the life" and if we are not called His then we cannot walk that path. 

What a priviledge to be called His! This is not a demeening word. To be called someone's, in love, is pure affection. Saying you are my child or my friend or my husband describes a relationship that is intimate. To be called His frees us from trying to climb to heaven on our own. It provides us with a foundation, a fortress, and a friend. 

I am His.

This one sentence holds more weight than any other sentence in the world. In saying this you are also assured of a thousand other things. I am His means:

I am loved. I am seen. I am heard, accepted, vidicated. I am free, joyful, peaceful, and brave. I am okay, blessed, understood, walked with. I am held, holy, heaven's citizen, a friend. I am redeemed, saved, and alive. I am gifted, reconciled, rescued, found. I am a bride, renewed, beautiful, forgiven. I am adopted, light, an heir, wonderfully made, and clean. I am healed, important, a temple, worthy. I am remade.

And beyond.

The world and everything in it is trying to steal my identity. Daily I have to fight off the urge to call myself by other names. Even good things, like a friend or camp counselor, do not define who I am. These things will disappoint, they will disengrate. But Jesus will not. 

Tenth Avenue North says it best:

And through the dark
Singing we are yours
Your love will lead us through
Like stars in the night

You are His. A truth that counters every lie. An understanding that can change your life. An identity that does not hold you back, but sets you free. Three words that mean a salvation we cannot fathom. A joy defined by only the cross, and spurred by a love bigger than the ocean. A constant foundation for who you are and where you can run.

I am His.
You are His
We are His.

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