
My name is Alyssa.
I'm a student at the University of Iowa.
I am studying Therapeutic Recreation, minoring in Human Relations and getting my Disability Studies Certificate. I plan on graduating in 2017 and then am hoping to move on to graduate school for my master's in Child Life.

I'm passionate about children and making the world a better place for them and through them. Children with disabilities, children in hospitals, orphans, foster kids, and privileged children alike. They all have more to teach us than we'll ever understand, and it's also our job to teach them.

I really love popcorn, my cats, Grey's Anatomy, and playing with kids. And coffee shops and music and Jodi Picoult. And snail mail and voicemails and the sky. Also pictures and cupcakes and building sandcastles. And Tenth Avenue North and roads in the middle of nowhere and hugs.

But more than anything I am passionate about and love Jesus. Actually, usually He's better at loving me. But because "His love is better than life my lips will glorify Him." (Psalm 63:3) I am utterly useless, sinful, and empty-handed, but my Savior has rescued me and brought me to life. In Him I am free.

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