Wednesday, April 23, 2014

My Breaking Heart

"Break my heart for what breaks yours."

These words sound so good, so right. Its a phrase most Christians know. Over-used and out of context.

It's a pretty phrase, but what does it mean?

What breaks God's heart? Pain, poverty, and the poor? The lost and lonely? The hurt and homeless?

I think it's me and you.

It is sin that God hates, it is sin that God cannot face. It is when you and I falter. It is everytime we fall and everytime we hurt, ourselves or others. It is the lies we believe and the sin that grows from them.

When I look back on my darkest, loneliest nights, it is then that I imagine God's heart breaking. He was always there, but the I chose the lies, and could not feel Him.

So in asking God to break our hearts for what breaks His we are asking to see others as He sees us, in love. We are asking to be a part of the darkness and to be impacted by it. We are asking to be moved, in His name.

I see what breaks others hearts. I have friends passionate about sex trafficking, better education, poverty, foster children, mental illness, self-harm, eating disorders. How incredible is it that our Lord sees all these things and loves on all of the lies and sin that these things are connected to? He is in all that darkness. Yet He has placed certain things on each of our own hearts, knowing we cannot see all.

Break my heart, Lord. This is a big prayer and I'm just beginning to understand what it means.

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